of Architecture
Themes and Actors of the Urban Theater
Emilio Faroldi
Milan 2021
At a time characterized by great cultural transformations and new developments in construction, this work is a precious compendium of thoughts about architecture and its relations with the modern, the ancient, the territory and the masters of the past. The Prologues substantiate discrepancies, hybridizations, fusions, allegories and references: interpretations that the origin of architecture promotes to primary and desirable phenomena, litmus tests of a shared cultural approach capable of indicating the evolution of history as a continuous and irreversible evolution.
Twelve, like the semitones that make up a musical octave, the Prologues presented in this volume in monologue form seek to offer insights, doubts and ideas about issues in urban planning, regenerative strategies for the territory and the role of architecture in configuring a renewed landscape built in opposition to the current prevailing scission between forms and contents. Regeneration, infrastructure, continuity, tectonics, innovation, resilience, matter, measure, construction, space, time, and heteronomy bring out key themes of the reflection conducted by the author in the heart of the discipline, essential ingredients of a theoretical and purposeful research in which memory is the element of dialogue between history, contemporaneity, and new hybridizations. The book highlights themes and actors of an urban theater capable of fostering debate on architecture, on its becoming relevant and timely and its steady evolution.